Bank Details

For Lillah Donations & Masjid Construction Fund

Bank: HSBC

Account Name: Ravidra Muslim Trust UK

Account No: 02035308

Sort Code: 40-35-20

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) : GB42HBUK403520035308

Branch Identifier Code (BIC) : HBUKGB4147T

For Zakat, Fitra, Sadka, Interest Etc.

Bank: HSBC

Account Name: Ravidra Muslim Welfare Trust

Account No: 71534254

Sort Code: 40-10-05

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) : GB16HBUK40100571534254

Branch Identifier Code (BIC) : HBUKGB4118J

Masjid Construction Cost and Fund

Estimated cost of the construction is 1.65 crore rupees, that is approx £184,000 depending on exchange rate.

Ravidra community is aiming to complete the project soonest possible, In Shah Allah, therefor

We appeal to all brothers and sisters worldwide, to participate in the funding and donate as much as possible.

  The Prophet  (peace be upon him) said
“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.”
                                                                        SAHÎH AL-BUKHÂRÎ AND SAHÎH MUSLIM