Who We Are

Ravidra Muslim Educational, Social & Welfare UK Trust (RMESWT) is a charitable Trust established on 19th July 2010 and registered in the UK on 24 January 2012 under registration number 1145608 and its governing instrument is the Trust Deed.

The objects of the charity are set out in the Trust Deed. The primary objectives of the Trust is to promote the benefit of people living in the village of Ravidra, in the Gujarat State of India, by such charitable purposes as the Trustees may from time to time determine, including by:

i. The advancement of the Islamic religion;

ii. The advancement of education and training (including religious education);

iii. The relief of poverty or financial hardship.

iv. The promotion and protection of good health.

The Trustees are from a cross-section of the community and meet together at regular intervals and are responsible for all decisions taken in relation to running the community facilities and the activities provided by the charity. Our Trustees review our objectives and activities to ensure they continue to reflect our aims. In carrying out this review the Trustees also considers the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit and in particular its supplementary public guidance on the advancement of its objects for the public benefit.

The village of Ravidra has a population of over 2,000 people. The inhabitants are predominately Muslims and the only place of worship in the whole village is a Mosque. Approximately 70% of the village is below the poverty line with limited facilities. The Trust delivers the services on the ground and have included collecting and disbursing zakat and other donations to over 200 needy families in the village, including quarterly distribution of food kit to widows, providing funds to improve the school and water works pipeline for clean and safe water, providing assistance towards medical and hospital treatment and business start-up support. The Trust has also embarked on a project to rebuild the dilapidated Mosque.